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Today’s advanced AI models are changing our lives rapidly. Accelerated compute infrastructure is evolving at unprecedented speed in all market segments. Flexible, robust, and massively-scalable infrastructure with next-generation GPUs is enabling a new chapter of AI.

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Supermicro HGX Systems

8U NVIDIA HGX H100/H200 8-GPU System

Suited for Today’s Largest-Scale AI Training Models and HPC, Featuring Superior Thermal Capacity with Reduced Accoustics, More I/O, and Vast Storage

4U Liquid-Cooled NVIDIA HGX H100/H200 8-GPU System

Highest density and efficiency with D2C liquid cooling for both GPUs and CPUs to optimize performance and energy cost

Supermicro’s NVIDIA MGX™ Systems

NVIDIA MGX Systems with NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip

Integrated CPU, GPU, and Coherent Memory System for Cloud-Scale AI Inference


Modular Building Block Platform Supporting Today’s and Future GPUs, CPUs, and DPUs

+1 (250) 327-2376

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